I am passionate about mental health, nature and art and feel self-help and therapy exercises can sometimes feel quite linear (which works for many of course!). I've found that presenting exercises in creative ways is really helpful, and hope others will too!
If you have any suggestions or requests surrounding wellbeing illustrations, don't hesitate to contact me!
If you would like to use any of my self help illustration work, please ask my permission. I'd love to help and to hear your feedback!

'The Worry Tree' was created by layering up handpainted and hand-drawn elements in adobe photoshop. It is based upon a tool used primarily in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to work through worries. If you have any questions, please do contact me or visit the following accredited site: https://www.getselfhelp.co.uk/worrytree.htm.
A mindful response to thoughts, as suggested on the accredited site: https://www.getselfhelp.co.uk/apple.htm


A well-known 54321 grounding technique, helping you to ground yourself when experiencing anxiety, panic, and other distressing emotions/feelings/thoughts/sensations. It can also help to deepen connections to the world around you, your body and your mind. This is especially useful in deepening connections to nature.
Inspired by nature, connection and wellbeing

Pieces directly inspired by deepening connections to nature and appreciating interconnectedness within nature, reinforcing the solace we can find in nature and our intrinsic connection.